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Self Love Journey

What is Self Love?

Self love is not a new concept but did you ever wonder what people are talking about when they say it? Self love means that you accept, appreciate and value yourself. You offer yourself the same grace that you offer to others. You care for yourself the same way you would care for a loved one.

Why does it Matter?

You've probably heard of self love but, do you know why it is crucial to your success in life? When you love yourself inside and out and know yourself well, it shows. Being comfortable in your own skin and confident in who you are, what you stand for, what you believe in, what your values are and what you want and need makes you an asset in business, life and relationships. You shine brighter when you have a deep appreciation for yourself and it attracts people and opportunities into your life.

The typical belief is that if you focus and work hard you will achieve your dreams and goals but, the truth is, if you don't have a firm foundation in self love you won't go as high or have the fulfillment in life that you could have. Self love is pivotal in achieving a meaningful, fulfilling and satisfying life.

When you care for yourself radically and fill your own cup first you are more effective at spreading love, light and hope to others. You are more focused to complete projects with excellence and you become one of the most valuable people in the room. People will seek you out for advice, insight, and leadership because you are meeting your needs and showing up for yourself everyday.

How do I get started?

There are many ways to practice self love and they don't take a lot of time or effort. Simple everyday habits can make a big difference.

  1. Lie to Yourself - Daily affirmations may feel like a lie at first but that's okay. Your mind is powerful. What you feed it, it believes. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself, you are strong, you are beautiful/handsome, you are loved, you are enough, you are not your mistakes, you are learning and growing, you are successful and capable. You can do this even before you believe it.

  2. Spark Joy - Do something everyday for yourself that sparks joy in your heart. This can be as simple as treating yourself to your favorite coffee, journaling, taking a brisk walk in your favorite setting, listening to music, reading or talking to a close friend. This simple act of care for yourself will spread joy throughout your day.

  3. Lie to Yourself Some More - Self Talk is similar to affirmations but you do it throughout the day. Remind yourself that you are enough and forgive yourself for your mistakes. Encourage yourself with phrases like you are doing what you can let go of the rest.

  4. Check in - Throughout the day take 1 minute to check in on yourself. Notice how you are feeling physically, emotionally and mentally. Make slight adjustments to offset anything that feels uncomfortable. Stretch, take deep breaths and visualize a place or time that sparks joy.

  5. Date Yourself - We spend so much time dressing up and showing up to go on dates with other people, why not show up and dress up for yourself for a change? Take yourself out for a nice dinner, movie or a fancy cocktail. Go for a joy ride with your favorite music or browse your favorite book store. Go on a solo hike or camp. Or take a trip somewhere and book a hotel with a king size bed just for you. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best date.

These are just a few ideas. There are many more. It's not so much which ones you choose as it is that you get started. Do one simple thing today and repeat until it becomes part of your lifestyle. You can add more in as you go and before you know it you will be loving yourself and finding success and fulfillment in your life.

To find out more visit our Podcast Channel at Journey by Jen on YouTube.

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